Blake Johnson and Craig Howard from Matchstic

We are bringing our weekly newsletter to life through informal conversations with founders, builders, and trailblazers doing meaningful work.  We ask about their hard-earned practices, values, and secrets, and we hear the stories behind them. We call these their Working Theories.

In our first ever live event, Callie and Matt sat down with Craig Johnson and Blake Howard from Matchstic, a creative agency that helps growing brands become radically relevant. After the moderated session, we opened up the conversation to an audience Q&A and ended the event with a Working Theories speed round from members of the audience.

Below, Craig Johnson & Blake Howard share Working Theories like

  • When in Doubt, Be Generous

  • Dumb Company Rules

  • Hard Work but Poor Planning

  • Less but Better

We also heard from BT Harman, Susannah Darrow, Ike Ubasineke, and Pame Barba.

A huge thanks to South Dwntn and Gaj Productions for hosting. Enjoy!

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